AIAA Rocketry

Student Projects Snapshot

AIAA Rocketry is a unique opportunity for UNSW students to increase their employability in the aerospace industry. Team members learn first-hand how to design and develop components of a high-powered rocket as well as manufacturing techniques, project management skills and complex problem-solving skills.

AIAA team

About the ChallENG Student Project 

The AIAA UNSW Student Branch is the society for students studying Aerospace Engineering at UNSW. Part of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the club offers resources and opportunities for members seeking to build connections with key industry professionals and explore the Aerospace industry. In 2018, AIAA established a competitive rocketry team which will compete in the largest rocketry events in the Southern Hemisphere!   

The team’s effort mostly focuses on competing in various rocketry competitions representing UNSW Engineering and UNSW AIAA Projects. They also attend launch days organised by NSW Rocketry Association, who also support the team with the certification of members from low power to high power rocketry.  

The current major competition is the AURC 2019 coordinated by AYAA, occurring at 'Thunda Down Under 2019'.

In 2020, the team will be preparing to attend the Spaceport America Cup (SAC), also known as the ‘world cup’ for university rocketry. Teams from 6 continents around the world converge on the United States to have the time of their lives, representing their university, their sponsors and to take to the global rocketry stage.  

Who we are looking for 

AIAA UNSW is looking for students who are passionate about the aerospace industry. They welcome members from all faculties and disciplines, but if you wish to join the official executive team, you must be enrolled in an Aerospace Engineering degree.  

Why you should join

  • Learn how to design and develop components of a high-powered rocket as well as a range of other skills valued by industry   
  • AIAA provides fantastic opportunities for students who are passionate about the Aerospace industry  
  • We offer the chance to expand your network both within the aerospace industry and with your aerospace peers across multiple universities.  

Team’s Academic Lead

"To come across the UNSW Rocketry Team and Flight Labs UNSW was the perfect opportunity for me to apply myself in fields that I was passionate about- aerospace and making. Not only was I able to learn in a way that felt effortless, but I was also able to share the experience with like-minded team members."

Muhammad Iklil Arfin, AIAA Rocketry Team Manager and Flight Labs UNSW member - 3rd Year Aerospace Engineering and Commerce (2019)